Warmotech is a recycled PU (polyurethane) foam board, with a density of 550 kg/m3. Warmotech boards can be painted, laminated, combined with other materials to create new products for various applications. It is easily fixed by conventional fixing methods, i.e. using screws or adhesives.

The color of Warmotech boards (green or yellow) depends on the origins of the recycled polyurethane. However, it has no effect on the flammability, mechanical strength, thermal conductivity and other declared characteristics.

Standard panel formats: 1150 x 2750 mm, 1220 x 3020 mm, 1220 x 3600 mm.

Standard panel thickness: 10, 15, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60, 70 mm.

Coatable surface

Suitable for coating and painting with wet type finishing materials.

Easily treated and processed

No special machinery is required for processing. Material can be easily and precisely treated with any wood-working tool.

High soundproof qualities

Material‘s bulk density 550 kg/m 3 creates fine soundproof quality.

Resistant to compression

Commpressive strength up to 7,1 Mpa therefore material is able to withstand high mechanical loads.

Environmentaly resistant

Material doesn‘t mould and doesn‘t rot. Can be used at temperatures from -50 o C to +100 o C.

Can be covered with PVC and laminate

Material is siutable for processing with adhesive and other bonding systems. Can be coated or laminated with other materials.

Water and moisture resistant

Even under long-term water or extreme moisture influence, the material does not change shape and form.

No flaming droplets

Burning behavior of class D-s3,d0. Does not melt.


Essential characteristic Performance and characteristics Unit Test method
Reaction to fire D-s3, d0 EN 13501
Bending strength ≥ 4,7 MPa EN 12089
Thermal conductivity, λ10 ≤ 0,088 W/ (m•K) EN 12667
Compressive strength 10 – 60 mm ≥ 7,1 MPa EN 826
61 – 70 mm ≥ 6,8 MPa
Water absorption (by short term, partial immersion) ≤ 0,4 kg/m2 EN ISO 29767
Dimensional stability under specified temperature and humidity (DS 70,90) 1,0 % EN 1604
Dimensional stability under specified temperature and humidity (DS -20,-) 1,0 % EN 1604
Density 550 ± 50 kg/m3 EN 1602
Thickness tolerance not sanded 0.5 mm EN 823
sanded 0.2 mm
Length tolerance 5.0 mm EN 822
Width tolerance 5.0 mm EN 822
Squareness tolerance 1.0 mm/m EN 824
Flatness tolerance 4.0 mm EN 825
Hygroscopic sorption properties1) ≤ 3,0 % EN ISO 12571
Water vapour diffusion 1) resistance coefficient 10 – 40 mm 60 – 100 µ EN 12086
41 – 70 mm 25-60 µ
Swelling in thickness, 24h 1) ≤ 1,0 % EN 317
Moisture content 1) 2 – 4 % EN 322
Resistance to axial withdrawal of screw ≥ 650 N internal
Water absorption after 24 h in water ≤ 5,0 % internal
Temperature resistance -50 °C to + 100 °C
Dimensional change after 24 h in water ≤ 5,0 % internal
1) Laboratory values, not part of FPC (factory production control)